Dear Money

Dear Money

“Dear Money, Let’s Talk”™ Experience

This life-changing experience – course work, 2-day in person retreat, and 90-day accountability group – resets your relationship with money, wealth + value, creating genuine personal and business freedom.

From her 25 years of experience and education, Jennifer Love guides you through a proven process for a heart-to-heart self-conversation with money that grows your self-trust, cements your unshakable self-worth, and amplifies your value for powerful exchange with others (that shows up in your bank account).

The 2 day retreat component of the “Dear Money, Let’s Talk”™ Experiences is currently offered live in-person in Santa Barbara, CA. Contact the LivWeal team if you would like to discuss options for the ‘Dear Money, Let’s Talk’ Experiences to be held in your city!

Dear Money

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